Bosko Obradovic
The Dveri leader, Bosko Obradovic, announced on May 20 he had decided to stop a hunger strike he went on 11 days ago, explaining that Ivan Kostic and he had fulfilled their mission to point out to the non-democratic state Serbia was in, the portal reported.
Obradovic said that after he recovered the plan was to make a political platform calling for Serbs to defend their constitution, freedom of the media and democratic elections, and to preserve Kosovo.
"We'll continue the active election boycott campaign, confirming our determination to boycott all elections. What's very upsetting is the silence of the national judiciary; the Constitutional Court is silent even though there's an initiative for constitutional review of the election process before the court. More than 50 other states have decided to postpone electoral activities," Obradovic said at a press conference outside the Serbian parliament building.
The Dveri leader called upon his opposition peers to continue the active campaign to boycott the election and secure proper conditions for a fair and free vote at another time, which a united Serbian opposition should take part in together.
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