Source: Beta
Archive / News
| 22.02.22
Srecko Djukic, former Diplomat (Photo: printscreen/youtube/N1)
Former Serbian ambassador to Belarus Srecko Djukic said on Feb. 22 that at this time there was no fear that Russia would change its stance on Kosovo.
Djukic told BETA that Russia always cited international law in its foreign policy and that it consistently applied it. It cited international law when it, as it said, it annexed Crimea in 2014 and returned it to the homeland, the ambassador said.
He also said that Russian President Vladimir Putin had also cited international law when he recognized the Donbas and Luhansk People's Republic as independent. "It's the same case as with the question Kosovo and Russia does not recognize it as an independent country, it is also citing the principle of international law," he said.
"For now, there is no concern that Russia's stance on Kosovo and Metohija will change, but if the situation further escalates and that which is certain happens, up until sanctions are imposed on Russia by the West and Russia responds, the question is how we (Serbia) will act," he said.
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