Postal traffic between Posta Srbije and Ukraine and Russia is functional, while sending money to Ukraine can be done through the PostCash service, although payments are limited to places that are outside the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, depending on the security situation, the Serbian Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communication and Postal Services (RATEL) announced on March 17.
Postal operators of courier and express services have stopped accepting packages from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus due to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine in Ukraine.
The ERGP (European Regulators Group for Postal Services) has launched a drive to support an initiative of European postal operators for lowering or doing away with postage for humanitarian aid packages to Ukraine. Postal operators of courier and express services, as well as Posta Srbije, have informed RATEL that they have not received a single request for sending humanitarian aid to Ukranian citizens yet.
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