Strasbourg(Photo:PrintScreen YouTube)
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on Oct. 11 adopted a resolution calling on the European Union to give new impetus to the enlargement process to the Western Balkans, and also calling on the Western Balkan countries “to address without delay the outstanding challenges.”
The resolution was adopted at a plenary session in Strasbourg, with 134 voter for and three against, while three MEPs abstained from voting.
The Resolution says that strengthening democratic resilience and respecting the rule of law and human rights, promoting reconciliation and good neighborly ties, as well as creating condition for strong economic and social growth represent geostrategic investment in peace, stability and democratic security for the whole of Europe.
PACE, according to the document, firmly believes that support to Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Kosovo in meeting their aspirations of closer EU integration is important not only for these countries, but also for Europe, and will be beneficial to all European citizens.
The Resolution also says “it is imperative not to lose focus of the Western Balkans,” and calls on the Western Balkan countries to address without delay the challenges, such as polarized political climate, serious problems in the rule of law and good governance which have unfavorable impacts on independence and impartiality of the judiciary and functioning of public administration, issues relating to rights of national minorities and minority communities, and problems with freedom of the media and ownership of media outlets.
For the first time, Kosovo delegation was granted the right to take part in a debate in PACE on Oct. 11. A member of the Kosovo parliament, Saranda Bogujevci, expressed hope that Kosovo would soon obtain the right to fully participate in the Council of Europe, stressing that Kosovo had no other future but in the EU.
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