Institute for Comparative Law, Belgrade ( Photo: Print Screen)
An international rule of law survey for 2022, published by the World Justice Project organization, has shown that the rule of law has been declining globally for five consecutive years now, Transparency Serbia (TS) announced on Oct. 27.
According to the statement, Serbia's total score in this ranking is unchanged. Nevertheless, it dropped on the list and is ranked 83rd among 140 countries. In all the surveyed fields, Serbia declined or stagnated in the last three years, with the steepest decline in the category "constraints on government powers," where the score dropped from 0.5 in 2015 to this year's 0.37.
"Regression is also systemic in the category 'open government,' where the score dropped from 0.56 to 0.46 in six years. In the category 'absence of corruption,' the score has been declining for three years in a row and is now 0.42, which is below the global and regional averages," TS has stated.
In the region Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Serbia is ninth among 14 countries, in front of Belarus, Kirghizia, Russia and Turkey. Albania has the same index, while Georgia is ranked the best in that region.
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