Together Party MP: A Single Pro-European Opposition Ticket Could Threaten the Regime | Beta Briefing

Together Party MP: A Single Pro-European Opposition Ticket Could Threaten the Regime

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 16.10.23 | access_time 12:57


All the polls, the people in the streets, along with activists and intellectuals alike, agree that a single pro-European opposition ticket could potentially threaten the power of the current regime and garner just as many votes in the upcoming elections as will the incumbent Serbian Progressive Party, Together party MP Djordje Miketic has said.

Speaking for the Oct. 16 edition of the Nova daily, Miketic claimed that public opinion polls show that the Serbia Against Violence ticket is already supported by 40 percent of Belgrade voters.

Asked whom the opposition would nominate for prime minister, Miketic responded that Serbia needs a prime minister who will immediately fulfill the demands of the protesting public.

“We urgently need a prime minister who will first meet the demands of the protests and stop Serbia’s dissolution, the selling off of land and natural resources, [who will] curtail inflation and strongly invest in education, agriculture, healthcare and [the country’s] youth, and, of course, deal with the mafia. And then, a new election should be called in two years, allowing for a fair political competition where the best solutions and best teams to implement them will be chosen,” the MP concluded.

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