Opposition Official Calls on Citizens to Vote for Serbia against Violence | Beta Briefing

Opposition Official Calls on Citizens to Vote for Serbia against Violence

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 15.11.23 | access_time 15:50

Nebojsa Zelenovic (BETA Photo/Amir Hamzagic)

The co-president of the Together party, Nebojsa Zelenovic, appealed to Serbian citizens on Nov. 15 to vote for the list of candidates “Serbia against Violence” in the next elections on Dec. 17, explaining that it’s not just a “political choice,” but “a great battle for normal life.”

Zelenovic said in an interview with the Danas paper that the “Serbia against Violence” was able to “guarantee a victory over ubiquitous bullying” to which Serbian citizens had been exposed to.

“A decision by a large number of public figures and intellectuals to join the ‘Serbia against Violence’ protests and the election campaign is an incentive to go to the polls. I have a deep respect for those brave people and the way they are fighting for their country,” Zelenovic said, adding that violence, corruption and price jumps “destroy society.”

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