Croatian Diplomat Declared Persona Non Grata in Serbia | Beta Briefing

Croatian Diplomat Declared Persona Non Grata in Serbia

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 20.11.23 | access_time 21:14

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia(BETAPHOTO/NENAD PETROVIC)

The Serbian Foreign Ministry said in a press release on Nov. 20 that the Croatian diplomat Hrvoje Snajder had been declared persona non grata due to a flagrant violation of diplomatic norms and the Vienna Convention, which regulates diplomatic relations.

The statement said that Snajder, first secretary at the Croatian embassy in Belgrade, "flagrantly stepped outside the bounds of diplomatic norms and violated the abovementioned Convention" in the course of his professional engagement in Serbia, and added that a diplomatic note had consequently been presented to Croatian Ambassador to Belgrade Hidajet Biscevic.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia regrets the actions of said diplomat in the recent past, which was not conducive to improvement of bilateral relations between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Croatia, neighborly cooperation and overall elevation of the level of peace and stability in the region," the press release reads.

The statement added that the Serbian ministry expressed the expectation that Serbia and Croatia would continue to work to build mutual trust with a view to a shared European future.

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