Students to Gather outside Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy at Noon To Protest Election Results | Beta Briefing

Students to Gather outside Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy at Noon To Protest Election Results

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 27.12.23 | access_time 12:38

Voting (Beta/Dragan Gojic)

Students gathered around movement Battle (Borba) have announced another protest outside the Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy for noon on Dec. 27, to demand annulling the recent elections and release of individuals detained during incidents around the Belgrade City Hall on Dec. 24.

At the ninth protest of Serbia Against Violence coalition in the evening on Dec. 26, which voiced the same demands, it was said that students would repeat their demands to the Public Administration and Local Self-Government Ministry, which is in charge of all issues related to the electoral register.

At the Dec. 25 protest with the same demands, students blocked the Bircaninova Street near the Public Administration and Self-Government Ministry, and later also blocked traffic at the crossroad of the Kneza Milosa and Nemanjina streets, where the Serbian Government building is located.

The Dec. 25 protest also saw students from Novi Sad, who together with their Belgrade fellow students kept these streets blocked until 6 pm and then walked to the Republic Electoral Commission’s head office to join the Serbia Against Violence protest.

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