CRTA: Precise Operation of Fake Moving of Voters Cost Several Hundreds of Thousands of Euros | Beta Briefing

CRTA: Precise Operation of Fake Moving of Voters Cost Several Hundreds of Thousands of Euros

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 11.01.24 | access_time 15:41

Elections in Serbia (BETAPHOTO/Milan Obradovic)

CRTA program director Rasa Nedeljkov has said that according to a very conservative analysis several tens of thousands of new voters were bussed into Belgrade to vote.

"The information that we possess indicates that many people were paid for this. Therefore, we are talking about corruption. And not just payments to those who came to Belgrade to vote, but to those who agreed to have them registered at their addresses.  They sold their places of residence for money," Nedeljkov said in an interview with the Jan. 11 edition of the Vreme weekly.

He said that the entire operation was precise and must have involved a large number of people and cost "several hundreds of thousands of euros." Vote buying, pressure on voters are something that Serbia's citizens have been facing for years and not just prior to elections but during the entire period between two election cycles. However, something that has never been witnessed before happened in the December elections - the ruling party organized the fake moving of voters," Nedeljkov said.

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