Ambassador Hill: Serbia’s Electoral Issues Should Be Resolved via the OSCE | Beta Briefing

Ambassador Hill: Serbia’s Electoral Issues Should Be Resolved via the OSCE

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 15.01.24 | access_time 12:11

Ambassador Christopher Hill (BETAPHOTO/MILAN ILIC)

In an interview for the Jan. 15 edition of the Nova daily, U.S. Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill said that serious allegations have been made regarding Serbia’s electoral process, warranting a serious investigation, and that these issues should be resolved via the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).

Hill added that he is not in the position to comment on the situation other than to say he’s “heard many reports” and believes it essential to resolve the problems via the OSCE and other organizations so as “to overcome the shortcomings which arose during the elections.”

“Serious allegations regarding shortcomings and procedures have been made, and it is necessary to seriously investigate them. I am aware of these allegations, but they should be dealt with by trusted people who respect elections and that’s why the ODIHR and the OSCE were here,” Hill explained.

The ambassador further expressed his hope that said “shortcomings” will be resolved “with understanding” and stated that peaceful protests are both a right and a duty.

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