CRTA: Voters Registered in Multiple Locations Simultaneously | Beta Briefing

CRTA: Voters Registered in Multiple Locations Simultaneously

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 17.01.24 | access_time 17:24

Extraordinary Parliamentary Elections in Serbia, Dec. 17 2023 (BETAPHOTO/MILOS MISKOV)

The election observer mission of the Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA) announced on Jan. 17 that citizens continued to contact them and share information about election malpractice.

The mission stated that, on performing a search of the voter roster, it found several hundred voters registered in more than one polling location in Serbia, and others who were also registered in various polling locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A team of researchers compared the information obtained from the citizens against the database published by the Istinomer portal and publicly available data from voter registries, it was stated.

“Suggestions from the voters who have searched Istinomer’s database, which shows how many voters are registered at each address for the December elections in Belgrade, have led us to the address Danijelova 9 in Belgrade. That is the construction site of an unfinished apartment building where as many as 129 voters were registered. On the other hand, for the parliamentary elections, they were registered in various polling locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina – in Visegrad, Bijeljina, Zvornik, Lopare, Pale, Novo Gorazde, Banjaluka, Sarajevo,” CRTA stated.

It was added in the statement that, for the 2023 parliamentary elections, all of them were cloned in Bosnia and Herzegovina in two polling locations – in Zvornik and Lopare, and some of them also had the right to vote in the Belgrade elections.

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