State Department Says U.S. Deeply Disappointed by Kosovo's Decision to Ban Dinar | Beta Briefing

State Department Says U.S. Deeply Disappointed by Kosovo's Decision to Ban Dinar

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 02.02.24 | access_time 11:56

State Department (Photo: YTPrintScreen)

The U.S. is deeply disappointed by and opposed to Kosovo's plans to carry on with the implementation of its decision to ban the use of foreign currencies, including the Serbian dinar. 

"We call again for the enforcement of this decision to be immediately postponed until satisfactory procedures in line with European standards are in place, and the population has been sufficiently educated on how the transition will proceed," a Department of State spokesperson said in a statement delivered to BETA late on Feb. 1. 

The statement reads that the decision was announced "without adequate preparation or consultation" and that the U.S. has asked the Kosovo authorities "to explain what immediate problem this regulation is intended to solve and whether urgency is needed." "We have heard no adequate response. Many Kosovan citizens now do not know how they will pay their bills or receive their pensions," adds the U.S. foreign ministry spokesperson.

They further said, "This action is also inconsistent with Kosovo’s commitment to work through the EU-facilitated Dialogue to address issues that affect the welfare of the Serb minority community."

"Good governance and good international partnership demand taking the time to assess consequences, hear perspectives, and consult with others on a workable solution," underlines the statement.

The provision of the Central Bank of Kosovo's rules of cash operations, which states that the euro is the sole currency in Kosovo, came into force on Feb. 1. Before that, Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti announced that he had rejected a proposal by the "big five" to postpone the enforcement of the measure.

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