Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Supports Kosovo’s Admission | Beta Briefing

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Supports Kosovo’s Admission

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 16.04.24 | access_time 20:30


The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) supported on April 16 Kosovo's admission to the Council of Europe and called on the Committee of Ministers to do likewise.

The draft Opinion on Kosovo's request for membership which recommends Kosovo's admission was upheld by 131 MEPs, while 29 vote against it at an April 16 session.

A document composed by Greek MEP Dora Bakoyannis on March 27 was adopted by the PACE's committee on political issues and democracy.

All of the Serbian delegation's proposed amendments, which were aimed at conditioning Kosovo's admission to the CoE on the creation of a Community of Majority Serb Municipalities, were previously rejected.

A final decision on Kosovo's membership will be brought by the CoE's Council of Ministers in mid-May.

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