Andrej Plenkovic (BETAPHOTO/HINA/Zvonimir KUHTIC)
After a ten-hour debate on May 17, the Parliament of Croatia voted in a third cabinet led by Andrej Plenkovic, Croatia's former and future prime minister and president of the Croatian Democratic Union.
The new government formed by the Union and the right-wing Homeland Movement, which will not include representatives of the Serb minority in Croatia, was supported by 79 MPs, 61 were against, and one MP abstained from voting. The majority in parliament consists of 78 MPs, and the May 17 session was attended by 141 MPs.
The new government will have 18 instead of 16 ministries, three of which will go to the Homeland Movement, namely, the departments of agriculture, economy and demography. The cabinet will also have seven deputy prime ministers, one of whom is from the Movement. Plenkovic handed parlaiment the government's new platform which states that a successful, vital, just, sustainable and sovereign Croatia was his cabinet’s priority.
Plenkovic said that raising the average salary from EUR1,250 to EUR1,600 and opening 125,000 new jobs were one of the cabinet's goals.
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