Italian Official Advocates “All In” Approach to EU Enlargement, Says New Models Should Be Considered | Beta Briefing

Italian Official Advocates “All In” Approach to EU Enlargement, Says New Models Should Be Considered

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 02.07.24 | access_time 17:31

Giulio Tremonti (Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade on July 2 met with Giulio Tremonti, the chairperson of the Italian Parliament Foreign Committee, to discuss ways to boost cooperation and bilateral relations. 
“An excellent meeting with Tremonti and the delegation. I congratulated him on his party’s success in the recent elections for the European Parliament, and expressed hope that cooperation between Serbia and this institution would be further developed and more constructive,” Vucic wrote in a post on his Instagram along with a photo with Tremonti, the Italian delegation and Italian Ambassador to Serbia Luca Gori. 

Vucic also said he was happy with continual development and intensity of bilateral relations and cooperation. “I am extremely happy with the fact that Italy has been the leading economic partner of Serbia for years now and that Serbia has been Italy’s biggest foreign trade partner in the region,” Vucic said, adding that Belgrade appreciated Rome’s support on Serbia’s EU path. 

Earlier, Tremonti, a member of the ruling right-wing party Brothers of Italy, said that it was necessary to consider new models of EU enlargement considering that geopolitical circumstance in Europe had significantly changed since the last major EU enlargement.  

In a meeting with Serbian parliament deputy speaker Elvira Kovac and members of the EU Integration Committee, Tremonti said he advocated “All In” approach to the EU enlargement policy. He also said it was very important for Europe to unite for to overcome geopolitical risks and differences, according to a statement from the Serbian parliament. During his two-day visit to Serbia, Tremonti has also met with parliament speaker Ana Brnabic.

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