Serbian Opposition Agrees - Parliament Illegitimate | Beta Briefing

Serbian Opposition Agrees - Parliament Illegitimate

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 23.06.20 | access_time 19:12

Alliance for Serbia (Beta/Luka Filipovic)

The Serbian opposition agrees that annulling what it says are irregular elections and beginning preparations for a free and fair election is accordance with practices in other Western Balkan countries is the only way for Serbia not to fall into an abyss and become like North Korea, Belarus or Turkmenistan.

A June 23 statement released by the Alliance for Serbia said that for over a year now the bloc had been telling Serbian citizens, the regime, but European representatives as well, that there are no conditions for holding a fair and free election in the country and that the situation with the media along with blackmail and pressure on voters were the key arguments for that.

"On June 21 the entire world was able to see how election day looks like in Serbia. The result is a completely illegitimate parliament without a single opposition party in it, which is unprecedented in Europe and among candidate states seeking membership in  the EU," the statement said.

The Alliance for Serbia said that this was why statements by a large number of international officials that there was no election in Serbia and that the June 21 election were a mockery of democracy, were logical.

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