Professor: Claim About 10,000 People Tested Daily Is Not Accurate | Beta Briefing

Professor: Claim About 10,000 People Tested Daily Is Not Accurate

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 29.07.20 | access_time 18:31

The claim that around 10,000 people were being tested each day, which is being publicly made on a daily basis, is not accurate, geneticist Oliver Stojkovic, a professor of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Physical Chemistry in Belgrade, and chief of the DNA laboratory of the Institute for Forensic Medicine in Belgrade, stated on July 29.

Stojkovic told the TV N1 that this number probably encompassed all testing – PCR and serological, as well as repeated tests and tests of samples taken more than a day ago.

"The number 10,000 does not refer to people who underwent PCR testing, which is intended exclusively for testing the newly infected. The colleagues I have spoken to, and I, have reached the conclusion that this number probably included all the people who were tested on the previous day, including repeated tests, including serological methods, as well as people who are reporting to a covid facility for the first time in a day, or two days ago, and who are defined as possible covid cases," Dr Stojkovic stated.

"We need to know – out of, say, 856 people who came to a covid facility on the previous day because of suspected corona, what is the percentage of positive cases? Only that number can unveil if the epidemic is worsening," the professor stated.

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