Vucic: Foreigners Will Not Run Serbia as Long as I Am President | Beta Briefing

Vucic: Foreigners Will Not Run Serbia as Long as I Am President

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 31.07.23 | access_time 09:03

Aleksandar Vucic, Pasuljanske Livade (BETAPHOTO/Defense Ministry/Darimir Banda)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on July 29 that U.S. sanctions against Security and Information Agency director Aleksandar Vulin were a message to him, but that "for as long as I am president, foreigners will not run Serbia" but Serbia's citizens.

"It's definitely [a message] for me," Vucic told Prva TV. He added that Vulin "is a decent man."

"I do not want any individual to come before state policy. I do not know if the state will be at risk at some point so that we will have to change our decision, but as you know I've been saying that for a year and a half," Vucic said, referring to sanctions against Russia.

Vucic asked: "What am I supposed to do [about this message]? Kneel down and beg for mercy to stay in power longer?" He declared that nothing like that could happen. "For 11 years now, here in public, they have been saying that I came to power because I promised foreigners I'd do something," Vucic said, adding that the elections would happen whenever the opposition "wants," but that the opposition "no longer knows if it wants elections or not.

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