Minister Vucevic: We Will Not Request Electoral Threshold Increase | Beta Briefing

Minister Vucevic: We Will Not Request Electoral Threshold Increase

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 18.09.23 | access_time 12:33

Milos Vucevic, Belgrade, July 24 2023.(BETAPHOTO/Defense Ministry/Darimir Banda)

Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said on Sept. 18 that reverting the electoral threshold for parliamentary elections from three to five percent is a topic that could be discussed during talks on the conditions for the upcoming general vote.

Vucevic, who is also the leader of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party, told Pink TV that his party does not want to be unfair and make changes to the threshold just months before the next elections.

The minister further refuted media allegations that “Belgrade is at odds with all its neighbors,” insisting this was untrue as the country “does not have issues with anyone.”

With regards to negotiations with Pristina in Brussels, Vucevic stated that the “bottom line” of Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s policy is “to cleanse Kosovo of Serbs,” and that everything else he does is “just for show.”

According to Vucevic, Serbia has been actively acquiring defense weaponry, but is struggling to import its purchases “because other countries won’t grant over-flight clearance.”

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