Stano: EU Demands that Tensions be Eased, Dialogue Continued, Awaiting Results of Investigation | Beta Briefing

Stano: EU Demands that Tensions be Eased, Dialogue Continued, Awaiting Results of Investigation

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 25.09.23 | access_time 15:05

Peter Stano (Photo: print screen/youtube)

The lead spokesperson for the European External Action Service (EEAS), Peter Stano, said that the European Union (EU) believed that the latest surge of violence in Kosovo had confirmed the  view that a way out of permanent crisis had to be found, together with a normal framework for resolving problems though the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue, whereas tensions had to be diffused promptly, so that the focus could switch back to peace and normalization of relations between the two sides.

Stano said that an investigation was underway into tragic events in the north of Kosovo on Sept. 24, and that clear findings were yet to be published. Without them, it would be difficult to provide for any proper assessment, he added.

The EEAS spokesman also said that “the terrorist attack” against the Kosovo Police had been condemned, which, as he put it, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell had underlined in a press release and during a telephone conversation with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

Borrell’s spokesman also pointed out that “the EU measures” towards the authorities in Pristina had been taken over “one party’s inability to take steps to reduce tensions, and they may be reduced or tightened depending on the situation. They have been taken towards Kosovo, and if required, they may be introduced against Belgrade, too.”

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