Demostat: Three Main Support Lists for Elections Would Be Logical | Beta Briefing

Demostat: Three Main Support Lists for Elections Would Be Logical

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 16.11.23 | access_time 15:52


Demostat investigative and publishing center program director Zoran Panovic has said that it would be much more natural to divide the political scene in Serbia according to support lists, like the ProGlas initiative in which a group of intellectuals called on people to vote in elections on Dec. 17 to ensure the highest possible turnout, than via political parties and coalitions.

In an article for the Nov. 16 for the edition of the Nedeljnik weekly he said that the initiative, among other things, showed that "it would be the most logical and most natural thing to go to the polls based on three main motivational support lists."

"The first would be a support list for Aleksandar Vucic, the second would be ProGlas for the pro-European patriotic opposition, the third list would We Will Not Surrender Kosovo and We Do Not Want To Enter the EU, for the pro-Russian patriotic opposition, Panovic said. He added that were this to be done there would be three "realistic options" on ballots which would avoid "pseudo-ideological fragmentation and games of detection as to who really wants what and what whose malicious intentions are."

"Instead of pseudo-ideological coalitions we could expect a realistic enlargement of the political scene through the integration of parties and their reduction to a reasonable number of relevant ones. Many nonsense parties that provide an illusion of pluralism would quickly vanish," Demostat's program director said. He said that the ProGlas initiative, which according to him supported the Serbia against Violence opposition ticket, had so far yielded solid marketing and mobilization effects.

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