Media Claim Regime Deliberately Settling Voters in Kragujevac | Beta Briefing

Media Claim Regime Deliberately Settling Voters in Kragujevac

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 20.11.23 | access_time 13:22

Kragujevac (Photo: PrintScreen YouTube)

In September, 369 people settled in Kragujevac, half of which have never before been registered as Serbian residents, the Glas Sumadije website reported on Nov. 20.

Citing a response received from the Ministry of the Interior, the article stated that 194 of Kragujevac’s new denizens have never before lived in Serbia, while 175 moved to the city from one of 64 Serbian municipalities.

“The monthly statistics are seemingly in line with those of September 2022, yet the ‘variety’ of municipalities from which our new denizens arrived is at least puzzling,” the website wrote.

In its election campaign, the opposition has claimed that the regime is deliberately and fictitiously moving voters from municipalities not participating in the Dec. 17 snap local elections and from Republika Srpska in an effort to improve their odds in cities where the Progressives-Socialists coalition is less than popular.

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic has denied such allegations, stating that the migrations noted are a standard occurrence and that the numbers are no different than in non-election years.

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