Serbian Pensioners Receive RSD20,000 Aid Ahead of Elections | Beta Briefing

Serbian Pensioners Receive RSD20,000 Aid Ahead of Elections

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 30.11.23 | access_time 11:58


On Nov. 30, each of Serbia’s 1.65 million pensioners will receive an aid payment of RSD20,000 from the state. The total cost of this assistance exceeds RSD33 billion.

According to Finance Minister Sinisa Mali, this is the fifth time in the last four years – i.e. in since the beginning of the crisis caused by the COVID pandemic and continued by the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis and the hostilities in Gaza – that the state has issued such aid to pensioners.

In 2022, the average pension was EUR267.6. This year, the amount is expected to reach EUR326, while in January 2024, following an announced 14.8 percent increase, it will be EUR390.

Jovan Tamburic, the president of the Association of Serbia’s Army Retirees’ Unions, has dubbed the latest payment an attempt by the incumbent Serbian Progressive Party to attract votes in the upcoming elections.

Addressing President Aleksandar Vucic, Tamburic stated that pensioners are not surprised that he is, yet again, using his own citizens’ money to stay in power and avoid being held legally accountable for destroying the country economically and in every other manner.

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