Opposition Party: Election Fraud Prepared for a Year, Foreigners Decide on Belgrade’s Fate | Beta Briefing

Opposition Party: Election Fraud Prepared for a Year, Foreigners Decide on Belgrade’s Fate

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 20.12.23 | access_time 15:47


A vice-president of the Freedom and Justice Party, Marinika Tepic, said on Dec. 20 that “all competent organs are aware that the elections have been rigged,” and that the election fraud “had been prepared for at least a year,” with the fraud strategy allowing foreigners to decide on the fate of Belgrade and Serbia. 

“It’s against the law. A citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina or Republika Srpska cannot vote in Belgrade polls,” Tepic said in a comment for N1 TV. She said that the Serbia Against Violence coalition requested that the elections be annulled due to a series of irregularities, and failing that, “the next instance is the Constitutional Court and the citizens.” 

The opposition party’s official said that the election observation mission set up by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) described the elections as “unfair.” Speaking about a decision to go on a hunger strike to support the request for the annulment of the Dec. 17 elections, Tepic said it “wasn’t made on the spur of the moment.” “This is a firm initiative to acknowledge what everyone knows has happened, which is an epic theft by Aleksandar Vucic and his Serbian Progressive Party, which the whole world can now testify to,” Tepic said. 

When asked if she expected a government representative to approach her, as was the case in April 2011, when the then Progressive leader, Slobodan Nikolic, went on strike to support a demand for a snap vote at the time, Tepic said that he did not expect the Serbian president, Aleksandar Vucic, who until recently was also the president of the Serbian Progressives, to do so.

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