Lajcak: Ohrid Agreement Is Legally Binding | Beta Briefing

Lajcak: Ohrid Agreement Is Legally Binding

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 03.01.24 | access_time 07:52

Miroslav Lajcak, Belgrade, Feb.6 2023 (BETAPHOTO/MILOS MISKOV)

 The EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, has said that the EU categorically rejects any remark that the Agreement on the path to normalization between Kosovo and Serbia is “not legally binding” referring to Serbia’s non-acceptance of the provisions implying any form of recognition of Kosovo’s independence.

“The Agreement and the Implementation Annex are legally binding by the statement of the EU high commissioner and the European Commission vice president, Josep Borrell, of March 18, 2023, in Ohrid (North Macedonia), which was agreed to by both sides,” Lajcak said in an interview with the Dec. 31 issue of Belgrade daily Politika.

Lajcak stressed that the expression of agreement had been explained in detail to both sides in Ohrid and that neither had made objections to it. He, however, added that the EU had acknowledged the concerns expressed by Serbia, adding that he was expecting a debate on such matters in the course of the Dialogue process.

“The EU will continue to closely monitor whether legal processes and the rule of law are fully respected. All agree that citizens in Kosovo’s north, regardless of whether they belong to the majority or non-majority communities, should enjoy the advantages of the rule of law and good governance,” Lajcak noted. He added that the Dialogue was the only platform for resolving all open issues and potential sources of tension between Kosovo and Serbia.

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