Cadez: Serbian House at Paris Olympics | Beta Briefing

Cadez: Serbian House at Paris Olympics

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 23.02.24 | access_time 12:16


At the Olympic Games in Paris this summer, Serbia will present itself with the Serbian House project, which will depict the country as innovative, creative, as a digital tech hub whose biggest export is software, Serbian Chamber of Commerce President Marko Cadez told the Serbian Broadcasting Corporation (RTS) on Feb. 23.

"In addition to sports, the economy and culture will also be presented, as well as an opportunity to establish business cooperation with companies from around the globe," he said.

In his words, French companies are increasingly interested in investing in Serbia.

"During all those days that the Olympics last, we really want to take advantage of that promotion. Serbia is recognized as a sports nation. Serbia is known around the world for our phenomenal athletes. We want to use that platform and show this new Serbia, too - an innovative Serbia, a creative Serbia, Serbia as a center or hub of digital technologies," said Cadez.

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