Kuburovic: We Sent Pristina Records of Questionings in Ivanovic Case
Serbian Ministry of Justice Nela Kuburovic said on Aug. 14 that a decision by North Macedonia's Supreme Court to reject Serbia's request for extraditing former Kosovo Liberation Army member Tomor Morina had shown that yet again politics were above the law and justice.
"This is huge disgrace for international law, but an even bigger blow and great sorrow for the families of the victims, who have been waiting for decades for justice for their closest. Even though the North Macedonian authorities were given all of the necessary evidence, they ruled contrary to the truth and facts," Minister Kuburovic said in a written statement.
Kuburovic also said that Serbia would not give up on searching for the culprits of the most heinous crimes against humanity, regardless of their nationality or ethnicity, "as we owe this to the victims and their families."
The Supreme Court of North Macedonia confirmed earlier on Aug. 14 a decision by a court in Skopje that the conditions for Morina's extradition to Serbia had not been met.
Morina is wanted by the Serbian authorities as the suspect in a crime against civilians in Kosovo 20 years ago.
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