Finance Minister: Republic of Serbia Owns 100 Percent of Shares in Air Serbia | Beta Briefing

Finance Minister: Republic of Serbia Owns 100 Percent of Shares in Air Serbia

Source: Beta
Archive / SEE Business | 13.11.23 | access_time 15:26

Air Serbia (BETAPHOTO/Air Serbia)

As of Nov. 13, the Republic of Serbia owns 100 percent of shares in the Air Serbia airline, Serbian Finance Minister Sinisa Mali announced on Nov. 13.

The state has taken over the shares owned by Etihad Airways, the co-owner of Air Serbia since 2013, the Serbian Broadcasting Corporation (RTS) has reported.

According to the state broadcaster, an agreement had been reached for the Republic of Serbia to take over the remaining 16.42% stake in the airline owned by the United Arab Emirates’ carrier, giving the republic full ownership of Air Serbia.

“Etihad has been Air Serbia’s partner and co-owner since 2013. It was their business decision to leave the airline, and it is up to Serbia to keep developing the company,” Mali said.

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