Simonis: Romania Supports Serbia on its Path to EU, and regarding Kosovo | Beta Briefing

Simonis: Romania Supports Serbia on its Path to EU, and regarding Kosovo

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 06.11.23 | access_time 15:09

Serbia, Romania flags (BETAPHOTO/CONSTRUCTION MINISTRY/Djordje Krstic)

President of Romania’s Chamber of Deputies Alfred-Robert Simonis said on Nov. 6 that Romania would support Serbia on its path to the European Union (EU), reiterating his country’s support to Belgrade regarding Kosovo, whose independence it had not recognized.

Simonis said after a meeting with the Serbian speaker, Vladimir Orlic, that it’s not a coincidence that his first visit after the appointment as Romania’s speaker was to Serbia, adding that “it’s a step forward in the good relationship that already exists between the two states.”

Orlic thanked for Romania’s support to the integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, which he described as “clear, firm and consistent, based on the international law, which is exactly what a refusal to recognize the so-called Kosovo actually is.”

The Serbian speaker said that he had briefed his Romanian guest on “the terror carried out against the Serbs in Kosovo by Albin Kurti and Pristina.”

“We are responsible, committed to dialogue and peace, but that also implies unwavering respect for our Constitution,” Orlic said, adding that “a recognition of the so-called Kosovo or a seat in the United Nations were not the themes for Serbia, but the expectation is that the other side will demonstrate responsibility when it comes to the commitments it had accepted,” Orlic said.

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