NGO Claims Serbian President Spending Budget Funds on Vote Buying | Beta Briefing

NGO Claims Serbian President Spending Budget Funds on Vote Buying

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 28.11.23 | access_time 12:49


Zlatko Minic, a representative of non-governmental organization Transparency Serbia, said on Nov. 28 that it was absolutely clear and evident that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had been abusing his post and state budget funds to buy votes for the Serbian Progressive Party election ticket,

In an interview with BETA, Minic said that no president in a normal country would even dare to think of building their political career upon vote buying.  

“The vote buying practice of the Serbian Progressive Party and Aleksandar Vucic has become a common item under budgetary spending on elections, as has the abuse of public resources in election campaigns of the Progressives and Vucic,” he stressed.

Minic also said it would be interesting to hear how the government would explain the rationale behind its decision to give monetary incentives to high school and university students and pensioners ahead of the upcoming elections.

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