Dveri Leader: No Cooperation with Progressives | Beta Briefing

Dveri Leader: No Cooperation with Progressives

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 04.12.23 | access_time 13:00

Bosko Obradovic, Milica Djurdjevic Stamenkovski, Belgrade, Oct. 23 2023 (BETAPHOTO/MILAN OBRADOVIC)

Bosko Obradovic, the leader of the right-wing Serbian Dveri Movement, told the Dec. 4 edition of the Nova daily that he sees no way in which cooperation with the incumbent Progressive Party of Serbia would be possible after the Dec. 17 elections. The goal of the elections, he said, is to topple the regime because of its disastrous policy toward Kosovo and Metohija, its ruination of Serbia’s socio-economic policy and its corruption and criminalization of the highest levels of state administration.

“Those are the reasons this regime has to go. Therefore, our goal is to remove them, especially in Belgrade, where Belgraders are practically sick of the [Progressive local] government,” said Obradovic, whose party is running in a coalition with the Serbian Oath Keepers Party.

Asked whether Dveri might collaborate with the Serbia Against Violence coalition after the elections, Obradovic said that they are certainly willing to discuss the formation of a new government on all levels – but not at all cost. His party, he said, is adamant about its own program and will cooperate “only with those who accept it.”

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