Lawyer: Radoicic Not Interpol’s Main Target – He Did Not Organize North Kosovo Attack Alone | Beta Briefing

Lawyer: Radoicic Not Interpol’s Main Target – He Did Not Organize North Kosovo Attack Alone

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 07.12.23 | access_time 17:42


Lawyer Bozo Prelevic stated on Dec. 7 that the authorities in Belgrade, headed by Aleksandar Vucic, did not dare arrest Milan Radoicic because they knew that he did not organize the clash in Banjska in northern Kosovo on Sept. 24 alone.

Commenting on Interpol’s issuing of an arrest warrant against the former vice-president of the Serb List and Vucic’s closest associate on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, Prelevic told BETA that Radoicic could be a tricky witness for the current authorities. In his words, it would also be a problem for Serbia if it did not act on Interpol’s warrant in the moment when “it is known who protects Radoicic in Serbia.”

“Milan Radoicic is protected by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Rather clumsily and in a way damaging for the country, the government tried to defend against the events in Banjska by launching a case against Radoicic and immediately releasing him. A question arises as to who is responsible for the tragic events in Banjska, because Radoicic could not have obtained the vast quantity of weapons, military equipment, including a combat vehicle, by himself. Radoicic did not organize a rebellion in northern Kosovo out of his own whim,” Prelevic stated.

He pointed out that Radoicic was not the main target of Interpol. “The authorities in Serbia also know that Radoicic is not the main target of Interpol, but he could point to the true target. That is why there is no investigation of Banjska in Belgrade. If the prosecution did its job, it would acknowledge the colossal damage to Serb interests that was inflicted in Banjska. Banjska is the turning point after which there can be no more resistance in northern Kosovo,” Prelevic assessed.

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