Vucic Not Interested in EP Recommendations, Decision on Elections | Beta Briefing

Vucic Not Interested in EP Recommendations, Decision on Elections

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 29.01.24 | access_time 09:12

Aleksandar Vucic, Skopje, Jan. 22 2024 (BETAPHOTO/Government of North Macedonia)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in Skopje on Jan. 27 that he was not "particularly interested" in what the European Parliament would decide or recommend in terms of assessments of the Dec. 17, 2023 elections in Serbia.

Taking questions from Serbian media outlets after participating in a ceremony marking the feast day of St Sava at the National Theater in Skopje, Vucic said that one of the EP's earlier recommendation to countries that had not recognized Kosovo had been to recognize it.

"They are always going to make recommendations against Serbia. We will say thank you and stay on our path. I cannot tell you how distressed I am and how much sleep I am going to lose until Feb. 8 or 9 [when the EP's decision is expected] or any other date," Vucic said.

He said Serbia was "building the closest possible relations" with North Macedonia and believed that an agreement on work permits and the labor market that comes into force on March 1 would "contribute to even closer cooperation." He added that Serbia had chosen the path of freedom, sovereignty and independence.

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