Opposition MP: We Will Not Nominate Candidates for Deputy Speaker, Committee Chairs | Beta Briefing

Opposition MP: We Will Not Nominate Candidates for Deputy Speaker, Committee Chairs

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 06.02.24 | access_time 19:38


Serbian Against Violence MP Borko Stefanovic said on Feb. 6 that the coalition would not nominate candidates for the position of deputy speaker of parliament nor the chairs of committees.

In an interview with N1 TV after parliament's inaugural session which the opposition tried to obstruct, Stefanovic said that the incumbent authorities had two options. "The Progressive and Radical government can have this cardboard government and hide behind police cordons, or it can wait for the European Parliament's resolution, which will state that the elections were stolen, that they need to be repeated and that an international commission needs to come here to investigate everything," Stefanovic said.

As for why opposition MPs quit the session during the swear-in, which they later performed in the hallway of parliament, he said that they did this "because parliament is built upon electoral fraud."

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