Opposition MP: Accepting Mandates Does Not Mean Recognition of Election Results | Beta Briefing

Opposition MP: Accepting Mandates Does Not Mean Recognition of Election Results

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 08.02.24 | access_time 16:25


Serbia Against Violence MP Miroslav Aleksic said on Feb. 8 that being sworn in and accepting mandates did not mean that the coalition had recognized the results of elections and that the past had shown that boycotting parliament did not yield the right results.

"Today it is clear what actually happened in Serbia and that the authorities are not ready to accept that they were caught stealing the election. Us being in parliament is the result of winning votes from the citizens of Serbia whose will was to give them to us," Aleksic told Insajder in an interview.

Asked why had the opposition obstructed parliament, if it had already entered it, Aleksic said that that was a message to the ruling coalition's MPs, who, he said, stole the electoral will of citizens and that the opposition "has no intention of boycotting parliament and will participate in debates."

"Everything that belongs to our ticket based on the seats that we won we will accept. We will not, however, accept any position that is the result of an agreement with the regime and that means the positions of deputy speakers and committee chairs," Aleksic said adding that the Interior Ministry had directly participated in stealing the election by registering citizens' false addresses and that voter rolls were contaminated.

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