Dacic Blasts Montenegro's Announcement of Voting for Resolution on Srebrenica | Beta Briefing

Dacic Blasts Montenegro's Announcement of Voting for Resolution on Srebrenica

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 10.05.24 | access_time 12:09


Previously the Serbian foreign minister and now the minister of the interior, Ivica Dacic, has described the announcement that Montenegro will vote in favor of a U.N. resolution on genocide in Srebrenica as "shameful and scandalous."

Dacic told the May 10 issue of daily Kurir that it was "unbelievable" that a country in which Serbs accounted for more than a third of the population voted for a resolution that "presents none other than Serbs as a genocidal people." "Furthermore, this government (of Montenegro) came to power largely thanks to the Serbs and their struggle at the famous religious processions. Shameful and scandalous," said Dacic.

Montenegrin Prime Minister Milojko Spajic said in parliament on May 9 that Montenegro would vote in the U.N. General Assembly in favor of the U.N. resolution proposing that July 11 be declared International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica, but also in favor of all resolutions that condemned genocide and crimes in the former Yugoslavia.

He also announced that Montenegro would file amendments to the U.N. resolution on genocide which referred to the individualization of guilt and respect for the Dayton Agreement. In a post on X (former Twitter), Spajic said that "based on the proposed amendments, no one can say that Montenegro condemns the Serbian people, Serbia or Republika Srpska." "The Serbs in Montenegro make up a considerable percentage of our population and we must never overlook that. For us the Serbs are not and cannot be a genocidal people," Spajic said in the post.

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