More than 12,000 People Won’t Be Able To Vote at their New Residence Addresses | Beta Briefing

More than 12,000 People Won’t Be Able To Vote at their New Residence Addresses

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 14.05.24 | access_time 12:27

Assembly Speaker Ana Brnabic (Photo: Pedja Vuckovic)

Recent amendments to the Law on unified electoral roll had been to the detriment of voters and according to some estimates, 12,500 citizens would not be able to exercise their voting right in the elections scheduled for June 2, Serbian parliament speaker Ana Brnabic said on May 14.

In a statement to TV Kurir, Brnabic said that according to the law, all who had changed their permanent addresses after July 3, 2023, would not be able to cast ballots at their new addresses, but in their previous polling stations, which, she said, would cause numerous problems and costs to those people.

The law had been changed at the request of the opposition, which had in the previous period registered many cases of organized voter migration. Namely, the regime would bring voters from across Serbia and have them registered at addresses in Serbia’s capital and other major cities for to increase their body of votes and thereby influence the final election results.

Brnabic, who previously held several terms as Serbian prime minister, said that Belgrade and other local elections, called for June 2, were extremely important.

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