Brnabic: Senior Chinese Officials’ Visits Important to Elevating Cooperation | Beta Briefing

Brnabic: Senior Chinese Officials’ Visits Important to Elevating Cooperation

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 20.05.24 | access_time 19:07

Yin Li, Ana Brnabic, Belgrade, May 20 2024 (BETAPHOTO/MILOS MISKOV)

Ana Brnabic, speaker of the Serbian parliament, said on May 20 that the visits of senior officials from China were always very significant to the additional elevation of cooperation between China and Serbia.

She met with Yin Li, a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and secretary of the Beijing Municipality Committee, in Belgrade.

Brnabic expressed particular gratitude for the support "of friendly China to the coordinated appearance before international organizations, which is especially important at this time, when Serbia is facing various challenges and pressure," the Serbian parliament said in a press release.

Li stressed that China paid special attention to Serbia and building all forms of cooperation to the benefit of both peoples, especially considering that Belgrade and Beijing had been "brother cities" for 44 years, and that this was Beijing's first twinning with a European city.

He voiced readiness on the part of China to provide assistance with Serbia's preparations for the EXPO 2027 specialized exhibition.

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