Serbian PM Says Greece and Romania May Not Back Draft Resolution on Srebrenica | Beta Briefing

Serbian PM Says Greece and Romania May Not Back Draft Resolution on Srebrenica

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 22.05.24 | access_time 12:52


The West had been exerting enormous pressure on a large number of countries to back a draft Resolution on global commemoration of the Srebrenica genocide, but there had been some indications that Greece and Romania could change their mind, Serbian Prime Minister Milos Vucevic said on May 22.

“For the Serbian people, it is difficult to understand that the Greeks would back this resolution, as it was excruciating to see a Greek national (Dora Bakoyannis) spearheading a proposal for admission of so-called Kosovo to the Council of Europe,” Vucevic told TV Prva, commenting on Serbian President’s Aleksandar Vucic’s appeal to Greece to abstain from voting in the UN General Assembly on May 23. 

Vucevic also said that “the engineers” of the draft Resolution had been intentionally choosing the nations close to the Serbs to ensure their support to the draft Resolution in order to additionally humiliate the Serbian people. 

According to him, Montenegro’s amendments to the document “fundamentally” change nothing, but is rather “throwing dust in everyone’s eyes.” 

“We cannot stop the adoption of the document, because it is about geopolitics, but should a majority of countries be against it or abstain from voting, it would be a major feat for us. It would send across a clear message that they have essentially failed, albeit ensuring its formal adoption,” Vucevic stressed.

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