Brnabic on Srebrenica Resolution: Pyrrhic Victory of Western Forces | Beta Briefing

Brnabic on Srebrenica Resolution: Pyrrhic Victory of Western Forces

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 24.05.24 | access_time 11:53

Assembly Speaker Ana Brnabic (Photo: Pedja Vuckovic)

Serbian National Assembly Speaker Ana Brnabic said on May 24 that the U.N. General Assembly Resolution on Srebrenica was "a Pyrrhic victory and a foul of the great Western powers."

The U.N. has 193 member states and the Resolution on the International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica was adopted on May 23 with 84 votes in favor, 19 against and 68 abstentions. 

Brnabic told public broadcaster RTS that Serbia had demonstrated how to fight for one's interests, the world and international law, and had not allowed "the Serbian people to be stigmatized."

"This is now all very fresh and one thing I've learned from (Serbian President) Aleksandar Vucic is that one should not react hastily," she said answering a question about future relations between the government in Belgrade and the European states that supported the resolution, which Serbia opposes.

"All that I will say is pretty emotional... for me, it will be extremely difficult to keep working with the states that were sponsors and co-sponsors of the resolution," she said.

She went on to say that she would feel much closer "at all times" to the states that had voted against, abstained from voting or left the hall before the vote.

"We should certainly continue to work with our partners and that is in our national interest, and with the EU member countries," she said.

Brnabic also said that she would stand "at all times" by the states that stood by Serbia in the U.N., and thanked everyone who had supported Belgrade's views.

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