Serbian FM: Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Is in a Coma | Beta Briefing

Serbian FM: Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Is in a Coma

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 20.06.24 | access_time 11:55


Serbian Foreign Minister Marko Djuric has said that the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is "in a coma" and that this has nothing to do with EU envoy for the dialogue Miroslav Lajcak, but rather that some countries which ought to use their authority to stop the "ethno-nationalist rampage" of Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti are not doing so.

Djuric told public broadcaster RTS on June 20 that some countries "are replacing the earlier proclaimed priority of creating a democratic and multiethnic society in Kosovo and Metohija with some other geopolitical goals."

Djuric announced that he would engage in intensive diplomatic activity in the coming days. In Austria on June 21, he will meet with a number of foreign ministers, take part in a forum that will gather several ministers from the region, and meet with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell.

Next he will address a meeting of the EU Council on June 24. "For us as Serbia, which is not a member, that is a phenomenal opportunity to sit at that table and equally present our fears, concerns and problems, and our vision for the future of the region, because we do not deal in only causing new problems like some others in the region, we are future-oriented," said Djuric.

Regarding Josep Borrell's call to abolish the EU's punitive measures imposed on Pristina a year ago, Djuric said that the annulment of the measures, which were "too mild anyway," would not be enough to prevent Albin Kurti's behavior, but rather "will actually be an invitation for Kurti's new unilateral moves."

"Kurti's new unilateral moves destabilize the region and go against the interests of those countries that are today considering withdrawing those measures. Therefore, by voting for the annulment of the measures against Pristina, those countries would be working directly against their own interests and stability in Europe, and to the benefit of exactly those geopolitical actors whom - as they are telling their public - they are convincingly fighting against," said Djuric.

"We must change Serbia's image since they are trying to depict us as aggressors the whole time, as the side causing problems, while in fact the annulment of already too mild measures is not enough to prevent Kurti's behavior, rather it will be an invitation for Kurti's new unilateral moves," he added.

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