Firefighters Had Over 70 Assists Due to Inclement Weather | Beta Briefing

Firefighters Had Over 70 Assists Due to Inclement Weather

Source: Beta
News / Politics | 03.07.24 | access_time 13:01

Serbian firefighters(BETAPHOTO/MUP SRBIJE/EV)

Since the beginning of the week, the wave of stormy weather had members of Serbia’s Sector for Emergency Management conducting over 70 assists throughout the country, the Interior Ministry announced on July 3, adding that more than 200 firefighters and 76 vehicles were involved in total.

According to the Sector’s Assistant Chief Davor Vidovic, most situations requiring aid occurred in Belgrade and Smederevo.

“Belgrade was hit very hard. There were many downed trees, many tin and tiled roofs were damaged by the wind. We cleared over 20 fallen trees. In Belgrade, we also removed three torn-off roofs,” Vidovic said.

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