Montenegro Remains a Credible NATO Member Despite Cabinet Reshuffle | Beta Briefing

Montenegro Remains a Credible NATO Member Despite Cabinet Reshuffle

Source: Beta
News / Region | 10.07.24 | access_time 16:09


Montenegro's Defense Minister Dragan Krapovic said in an interview with the Voice of America that he was convinced that an upcoming cabinet reshuffle, involving directly the political parties opposed to the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance (NATO), would not affect Montenegro's position as a reliable member of the Alliance, nor its aspirations to join the European Union (EU).

The defense minister also said he regretted that the Resolution on Genocide in the Jasenovac, Dachau and Mauthausen concentration camp system, which the Parliament of Montenegro adopted despite strong protests from Zagreb, had put a strain on the relationship with Croatia. Krapovic also said that he believed the matter “will be sorted out quickly in the coming period.”

The Montenegrin defense minister, participating in the NATO summit in Washington as part of the Montenegrin delegation, also said that NATO membership provided "great security" for Montenegro in "turbulent" times.

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