Defense Minister Visits Army of Serbia Contingent in Cyprus | Beta Briefing

Defense Minister Visits Army of Serbia Contingent in Cyprus

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 14.06.23 | access_time 18:21

Ministry of Defense/BETAPHOTO

Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic inspected on June 14 the contingent of the Army of Serbia in the United Nations’ multinational operation in Cyprus (UNFICYP), and met with the commanders of the mission at their headquarters.


Senior national representative Major Dejan Zivanovic greeted Minister Vucevic, who then met at the mission’s headquarters with the special representative of the U.N. secretary general in Cyprus, the head of the UNFICYP mission, Colin Stewart.


During the meeting, the head of the mission informed the minister about the organization of contacts and negotiations and solving crisis situations, pointing out the importance of building of trust between the two sides and stressing the exceptional professionalism of members of the Army of Serbia who are engaged in the mission, the Defense Ministry has stated.


Minister Vucevic also met with the commander of the U.N. military force in Cyprus, Major General Ingrid Gjerde, who informed him about the organization of the military component and the tasks stemming from the mission’s mandate.


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