Bypass Route around Uzice Approved, Project Valued at EUR 30 Million | Beta Briefing

Bypass Route around Uzice Approved, Project Valued at EUR 30 Million

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 08.11.23 | access_time 15:47

Uzice (Photo: PrintScreen YouTube)

Having been repeatedly suspended and re-launched, the construction project worth EUR30 million to give Uzice a new bypass route, has been confirmed, the Vecernje Novosti newspaper reported on Nov. 8.

The daily says the construction works should be completed by the end of 2024, reducing traffic congestion and diverting cargo traffic from the city center. The Ministry of Construction, Transportation and infrastructure had confirmed the town planning project for the bypass, financed by the public enterprise “Roads of Serbia.”

The bypass road of Uzice has been declared a project of public importance, and a design and construction project worth EUR29.8 million was signed with a Chinese company last March. A construction license is expected to be issued next spring.

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