Vucic Describes Meeting With Macron as Important, Meaningful Talk with a Friend | Beta Briefing

Vucic Describes Meeting With Macron as Important, Meaningful Talk with a Friend

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 13.11.23 | access_time 08:44

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic (BETAPHOTO/MILOS MISKOV)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in Paris on Nov. 10 that his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron and he had had an important and meaningful talk.

After a meeting at the Elysee Palace, Vucic said in an Instagram post that he and Macron, whom he described as a friend, had also discussed bilateral relations, Serbia's bid to join the European Union, the resumption of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, economic and other important regional and global matters.

He said talks with Macron were always "clear-headed," that he knew that the French president would not reverse his position on Kosovo, but also knew what Serbia would not change. "We are looking at how we can do some things that are good for preserving peace and stability that won't harm our vital national interests, and also benefit France, which doesn't want a new hotspot," Vucic said.

He added that Serbia was supposed to get two out of the six billion euros from the Western Balkans Growth Plan, which the European Commission recently passed. Vucic told Happy TV that the Growth Plan was "exceptionally important" for Serbia.

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