People’s Party President: Serbia’s Entry into EU Unfeasible | Beta Briefing

People’s Party President: Serbia’s Entry into EU Unfeasible

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 14.11.23 | access_time 12:25


Vuk Jeremic, the leader of the People’s Party and former president of the U.N. General Assembly, said on Nov. 14 that, in the foreseeable future, Serbia may possibly join the European Economic Area but that entering the European Union is wholly unfeasible.

“Despite this, Serbia is being asked to continue entertaining the illusion of moving toward EU membership – or, more precisely, to continue pretending along with Europe that we are moving toward membership. The price for all this is Serbia recognizing Kosovo’s unilaterally declared independence. Hence, it is essential to reject the Franco-German plan for Kosovo and Metohija’s independence,” Jeremic said in an interview for Sputnik.

The politician added that recognizing Kosovo even in exchange for true EU membership should be unacceptable, “let alone for this charade.”

“Our European partners should be told that their proposal is unacceptable and that cooperation should continue primarily in the area of economy, as well as that Serbia is prepared to proceed with internal reforms that mirror modern European states,” Jeremic concluded.

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