Dveri: Serbia Will Lose Other Parts of Territory if It Gives Up on Kosovo | Beta Briefing

Dveri: Serbia Will Lose Other Parts of Territory if It Gives Up on Kosovo

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 16.11.23 | access_time 16:56


The president of the Dveri (Doors) Movement, Bosko Obradovic, assessed on Nov. 16 that Serbia would lose other parts of its territory if it gave up on Kosovo.

“I am particularly addressing the citizens of Serbia who do not live in Kosovo and Metohija and who might think that Kosovo and Metohija was the ballast that we should shed in order to be able to live normally in the rest of Serbia. Kosovo and Metohija will spread to the rest of Serbia if we give up on it,” Obradovic declared in a statement.

He assessed that, if Serbia were to give up on Kosovo, a probability could arise for it to also lose the Raska District, parts of eastern Serbia or Vojvodina.

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