Dacic: Diplomats Must Not Engage in Intelligence Work | Beta Briefing

Dacic: Diplomats Must Not Engage in Intelligence Work

Source: Beta
Archive / News | 27.11.23 | access_time 11:17

Ivica Dacic, Novica Toncev, Nis, Nov. 10 2023 (BETAPHOTO/SASA DJORDJEVIC)

Speaking about a decision to declare Croatian embassy in Belgrade first secretary Hrvoje Snajder a persona non grata, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said that diplomats should never engage in intelligence work.

Dacic said in an interview with Pink TV that the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations had laid down the rules of behavior for diplomats a long time ago and made it clear that they should never interfere in a country's internal affairs or do intelligence work.

“Many services have their authorized representatives. To have authorized representatives and say that they may do part of these activities is one thing, but here you have diplomats who cannot do this,” Dacic said. The minister also said that Serbian intelligence services had collected information and notified the Croatian side of irregularities so that they could withdraw Snajder and avoid having the diplomat expelled, but that Croatia had not wanted to do this.

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